December 14, 2021 Agenda


The Town Board of the Town of Kimball, Iron County, Wisconsin, hereby provides it’s written notice and agenda of its monthly Town Board meeting of the Town of Kimball for Tuesday, December 14, 2021 starting at 6:30pm at the Kimball Community Center.  The Town Chairperson, or a designee has provided communication of this public meeting to the Iron County Miner, the Ironwood Daily Globe and the local radio station.  This notice is posted in at least three different places within the Town of Kimball. The public may provide comments to the Town Board if a period for public comments is noted on the agenda and upon recognition by the presiding officer. All are encouraged and invited to attend.


  1. The reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Call to order/verification of quorum/verification of public notice and approval of the agenda
  3. 3. Approval of minutes from the last month’s meeting
  4. Treasurer’s report
  5. Committee reports a. Fire Department
  6. b. Highway Department Community Center
  7. d. Parks & Recreation
  8. Planning Commission
  9. Correspondence
  10. Public Comment
  11. Update on Range View Drive Project
  12. Update on State Line Road Project
  13. 10. Review use of town roads by ATVs and snowmobiles
  14. 11. Update on Darlene Lane request
  15. 12. Discussion of creating a Driveway Ordinance
  16. Approval of Poll Workers for the 2022-2023 Election cycle
  17. Discussion of speed limits on Center Drive
  18. Christmas Baskets
  19. 16. Motion to pay bills
  20. Schedule next meeting and any agenda items Jan.11, 2022@ 6:30P.M.
  21. Adjournment

Posted December 8, 2021